Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How to Make You Computer Talk

If the computer can talk .. he certainly would not lie ...

but it certainly is not clever .. now we just mi can try the following simple tutorial. Only for residents Only

1. Open Notepad.

2. Copy the following code and paste it into notepad. (font red)

Dim userInput

userInput = InputBox("Write a message for me to say")

Set Sapi = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")

Sapi.speak userInput

3. Save as in the format. VBS

4. Open this file, and there is a place for us to type.

5. When finished typing press OK.

6. The computer will say the words we type this.

Please Clik My Ads

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sleep Listening to music is dangerous

The habit of sleeping while listening to music, or watch TV until falling asleep, or leaving lights burning brightly in the room, was hard to break, and according to some condition that makes them fall asleep faster. But in reality when they wake up feeling more tension (stress). Some even feel like a sleepless night.

The explanation: When we sleep the brain really never sleeps. The brain is always running activities, although not as busy as when awake, the body's metabolic system running. At night, as the decrease in activity of the body, brain wave rhythm was decreased. But if we sleep while listening to music, television or live in a state of the room lights were burning brightly, the sound waves or light emitted by the equipment is still accepted by the sense of hearing and our sight. Sound wave received by the hearing instruments in the ear and remain light waves can penetrate the eyelids and received by the retina and lens of the eye. These waves will be transmitted to our brain. Resting brain should be stimulated to return to work and process incoming information. If this goes on all night, then we just slept outside the body according to, but not by brain. The brain will continue to work to process the incoming information. So do not let your brain tired of having to keep working at night, whereas in the brain during the day will also be exploited by our routine. If he's on strike, how, hayo?

Benefits of Coconut Water

Since long, the coconut is known as benefit-rich plants. Almost no part of the coconut trees that are not useful for life.

But too often do not understand people who use every part of the coconut. Coconut water for example, it is only a waste because memanfaatkanya confused. Coconut water when it is very efficacious for the health and fitness.

Well .. coconut water that is wasted not, you need to know what properties and usefulness. This seven reasons why you need to drink coconut water:

1. Coconut milk is more nutritious than whole milk (whole milk) because it does not contain cholesterol and low fat.

2. Coconut water can improve blood circulation and known to cleanse the digestive tract.

3. Coconut water will not only make your immune system is better, but also helps the body fight some types of viruses that cause disease.

4. If you are suffering from kidney stone disease, make it a habit to drink coconut water regularly. The habit of drinking coconut water will mambantu dissolving kidney stones and facilitate their exit from the body.

5. Coconut water is also known from earliest times to cure urinary tract disorders. A glass of coconut water to relieve the pain of urinating difficult.

6. If you're still feeling a hangover, no one can recover quickly in addition to consuming coconut water.

7. Coconut water feels very soft and rich in potassium electrolytes. Potassium helps the body regulate blood pressure and cardiac organ function.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Download Lagu Anak Terfavorit

Inilah Tempat Untuk men-download Lagu-lagu anak yg sangat poupuler di Indonesia. Bila temen2 mau request bisa ber komentar. Cekidot:
Nanti List Lagu ini akan Di Update

Monday, February 8, 2010

IPOD gratis hanya dengan Invite Teman

Ane share info nih gan, lagi bagi2 ipod gratis buat user indonesia.

Keterangan :

Competition begins: on february 06, 2010
Competition ends: on February 20, 2010 at 1:00 a.m.
Terms and Conditions

* 1. The first 40 participants to invite the most users to the site before February 20, 2010 at 1:00 a.m. will win.
* 2. All information is in real time using the table with participants' current ratings.
* 3. Only invitations where users use their real names and universities and which upload a photo are counted.
* 4. Repeat registrations do not count.
* 5. Only users whose telephone number begins with +62 (Indonesia) are counted.
* 6. Please do not try to win the competition by cheating. Our experience in running similar competitions in the past allows us to recognise any such attempts of unfair play. Any participant found to be cheating will be disqualified without warning.

Cara Daftar:

Pertama temen2 klik ini : Register

Nanti akan ke halaman :

Nah, tinggal diisi datanya. rgister tanpa email juga bisa gan. yang penting nomer handphone. Education juga harus diisi gan, wajib.

Selanjutnya :

Isi dengan nomer handphone agan, ini gak boleh ngasal karena nanti akan di sms kode aktivasi.

Selanjutnya :

Masukin kode aktivasinya.

Selanjutnya :

klik details untuk tau kontesnya.

Selanjutnya :

Akan ada keterangan kontesnya, disitu juga ada link buat agan" ajakin ke temen" supaya dapet ipod. link yang di buremin.

Selanjutnya :

Jangan lupa klik seperti gambar yang diatas buat ikut kontes.

yang paling penting adalah mengisi education yang tadi trs satu lagi "Upload foto"

Ntar akan diumumkan lwt HP klo temen2 menang kontes...

(bila temen2 gak ykn dpt IPOD'a,, temen2 register aja buat bantuin saya agar dpt IPOD'a, coz temen2 akan di bayar dengan pahala yg melimpah,, amin...)

NB: disarankan tidak memakai Email dan gunakan Nomor HP GSM