Sunday, March 28, 2010

10 Antivirus terbaik Vs 10 Virus Terkejam

10 Top AntiVirus

Berikut 10 Antivirus Terbaik 2009 yang dikeluarkan oleh TopTenREVIEWS:

Peringkat 1 : BitDefender Antivirus (

Peringkat 2 : Kaspersky Anti-Virus (

Peringkat 3 : Webroot Antivirus (

Peringkat 4 : ESET Nod32 (

Peringkat 5 : AVG Anti-Virus (

Peringkat 6 : Vipre Antivirus + Antispyware (

Peringkat 7 : F-Secure Anti-Virus (

Peringkat 8 : Trend Micro (

Peringkat 9 : McAfee VirusScan (

Peringkat 10 : Norton AntiVirus (

ini lawan nya....

10 Virus Komputer Terkejam di Dunia

1.Storm Worm
Muncul taon 2006, disebut “Storm Worm” karena nyebar via email dengan judul “230 dead as storm batters Europe”. Storm worm adalah program Trojan house. beberapa versinya bisa buat komputer menjadi bots. Atau biasa digunakan hacker untuk spam mail melalui internet.

2. Leap-A/Oompa- A
Mac yang punya konsep security through obscurity yakin tidak akan terserang virus karena OS nya sistem tertutup. Tapi tahun 2006, virus Leap-A atau biasa disebut Oompa-A muncul. Nyebar lewat iChat pada Mac. Setelah Mac terserang, virus itu akan mencari kontak melalui iChat dan kirim pesan ke tiap kontak itu. Pesannya itu berisi file corrupt yang berbentuk JPEG. Memang tidak berbahaya, namun hal ini menyatakan bahwa masih mungkin akan ada virus berbahaya yang menyerang MAC.

3. Sasser and Netsky
Penciptanya anak Jerman umur 17 tahun, Sven Jaschan. Sasser nyerang Microsoft Windows. Sasser ini ga nyebar via email. Tapi jika satu komputer koneksi ke komputer yang kena virus ini. Virus ini bikin komputer tidak bisa di-shutdown tanpa cabut power. Netsky nyebar melalui email dengan 22 Kb attachment file dan jaringan Windows. Bisa bikin serangan DoS. Sven Jaschan tidak dipenjara hanya diberi masa percobaan 1 taon 9 bulan, karena umurnya masih di bawah 18 taon.

4. MyDome (Novarg)
Mulai nyerang tanggal 1 Februari 2004, virus ini buat backdoor di OS. Pertama kali tanggal 1 itu mulai DDoS. Kedua, tanggal 12 Feb, virus ini berhenti menyebar dan mulai buat backdoors. MyDoom menyebar via email, selain itu selalu search di search engines, seperti Google mulai menerima jutaan permintaan pencarian dan bikin lambat sampai akhirnya crash. Gara2 MyDoom, Senator US Chuck Schumer mengajukan pembuatan National Virus Response Center.

5.SQL Slammer/Saphire
Muncul Januari 2003, nyebar cepet lewat internet. Waktu itu bikin layanan ATM Bank Amerika crash, ancurnya layanan 911 Seattle, dan Continental Airlines membatalkan beberapap penerbangan karena eror check in ama tiketing. Bikin rugi lebih dari $1 milliar sebelum dipacthed.

Ini juga tahun 2001, kebalikan dari kata “admiN”. Penyebarannya sangat cepat, menurut TruSecure CTO Peter Tippet, Nimda hanya butuh 22 menit buat menjadi Top Ten saat itu. Target nya server2 Internet, menyebar lewat Internet. Nimda akan ngebuat backdoor ke OS. jadi penyerang bisa akses ke server dan berbuat apa saja Nimda juga menjadi DDoS.

7.Code Red & Code Red II
Muncul musim panas 2001, nyerang OS Windows 2000 & NT. Virusnya bakal bikin buffer penuh jadi ngabisin memori. Paling seru waktu berhubungan ama White House, semua komputer yang kena virus ini bakalan otomatis akses ke web server di White House barengan, jadi bikin overload, alias serangan DDoS. Akhirnya Microsoft rilis patchnya saat itu.

8.The Klez
Nongol taon 2001, menyebar via email, replikasi trus kirim ke orang2 di address book. Bikin komputer ga bisa beroperasi, bisa berhentiin program antivirus.

Abis “Melissa”, muncul dia dari Filipina, bentuk nya worm, program standalone dapat me-replikasi sendiri. Menyebar via email, judulnya”surat cinta” dari pengagum rahasia . Original file nya LOVE-LETTER- FOR-YOU.TXT. vbs. VBS singkatan Visual Basic Scripting. Penciptanya adalah Onel de Guzman dari Filipina.

Dibikin taon 1999 sama David L Smith, basicnya Microsoft Word macro. Menyebar via email dengan dokumen “Here is that document you asked for, don’t show it to anybodey else.”. Kalau sampe dibuka, virus akan replikasi dan otomatis ngirim ke top 50 di address book email. Smith dipenjara 20 bulan ama denda $5000 dan melarang akses komputer tanpa pengawasan.

Main GBA di HandPhone

Halo teman teman. Udah lama nih gw gak posting. Bukan karena males ngurusin blog ini tetapi karena ada suatu hal yang tidak bisa di tunda.

Di postingan kali ini gw mau share game HP. Disini gw mau share emulator buat bermain Game Boy Advanced atau GBA. pasti udah pada gak asing lagi donk :D. Trus apa hubangannya game HP dan GBA?? hubungannya adalah, kamu bisa maen GBA di HaPe.. mau tau caranya..
yuk cekidot:

Emulator untuk Java Symbian 60:
  1. Download Emulatornya : Vbag (+ keygen)
  2. Extract File Tersebut
  3. Masukkan Vbag.jar ke HP agan2. Lalu Install
  4. Setelah di Install di HP, aplikasi Vbag tersebut meminta kode registrasi. Buka Vbag Keygen.exe lalu masukkan no. IMEI HP agan, lalu klik generate, maka di kolom yang ke 2 terdapat nomer aktivasi'a,, lalu masukkan kode tersebut.
  5. Masukkan Game GBA ke HP, (Data --> Other -->Vbag) klo blm punya bisa di donlot diGBA ROMs
  6. Jalankan Aplikasi Vbag, lalu tinggal pilih deh game yang mau dimaenin

Friday, February 26, 2010

List Hadiah dari

Lockerz PTZ Place

Samsung - 40"" Class/1080P/120Hz/LCD HDTV 3000 PTZ
MacBook Air, 13-inch, Aluminum 2500 PTZ
MacBook Pro 13-inch - Aluminum 1500 PTZ
MacBook 13-inch 1000 PTZ
HP Mini 110-1025DX 800 PTZ
New iPod Touch 64GB 800 PTZ
Dell Inspiron Mini 10 inch- Obsidian Black 750 PTZ
Dell Inspiron Mini 10 inch- Sunrise 750 PTZ
New iPod Touch 32GB 700 PTZ
PSP Go - Black 675 PTZ
PSP Go - White 675 PTZ
Xbox 360 Game System Elite 675 PTZ
PS3 Game System Slim- 120GB 625 PTZ
iPod Touch 32GB 600 PTZ
Amazon E-Gift Cards Cards France 450 Euros 500 PTZ
Amazon E-Gift Cards Germany 300 Euros 500 PTZ
Amazon E-Gift Cards UK 300 GBP 500 PTZ
Apple TV 500 PTZ
Canon Elph Powershot SD1200 IS Blue 500 PTZ
Canon Elph Powershot SDI200 IS Silver 500 PTZ
DSC-W220/P Sony Cybershot - Pink 500 PTZ
Time Capsule 500 PTZ
Apple Active Pack 450 PTZ
Beatles RockBand Bundle LTD Edition - PS3 450 PTZ
Beatles RockBand Bundle LTD Edition - Wii 450 PTZ
Beatles RockBand Bundle LTD Edition - Xbox 450 PTZ
New iPod 16 GB Nano- Black 425 PTZ
New iPod 16 GB Nano- Blue 425 PTZ
New iPod 16 GB Nano- Green 425 PTZ
New iPod 16 GB Nano- Orange 425 PTZ
New iPod 16 GB Nano- Pink 425 PTZ
New iPod 16 GB Nano- Purple 425 PTZ
New iPod 16 GB Nano- Red 425 PTZ
New iPod 16 GB Nano- Silver 425 PTZ
New iPod 16 GB Nano- Yellow 425 PTZ
Beatles Rockband Value Pack - PS3 375 PTZ
Beatles Rockband Value Pack - Wii 375 PTZ
Beatles Rockband Value Pack - X360 375 PTZ
DSi Game System - Black 375 PTZ
iHome Docking Station 325 PTZ
iPod Touch 8GB 325 PTZ
Portable DVD Player 300 PTZ
iPod 8 GB Nano - Black 300 PTZ
iPod 8 GB Nano - Green 300 PTZ
iPod 8 GB Nano - Orange 300 PTZ
iPod 8 GB Nano - Pink 300 PTZ
iPod 8 GB Nano - Silver 300 PTZ
Amazon E-Gift Cards Cards France 50 Euros 250 PTZ
Amazon E-Gift Cards Germany 50 Euros 250 PTZ
Amazon E-Gift Cards UK 50 GBP 250 PTZ
Fitness Plus with Balance Board - Wii 250 PTZ
Wii Fit 250 PTZ
Wii Sports with Console - Games included 250 PTZ
X-Box Microsoft Gift Cards 250 PTZ
iTunes Gift Card $50 250 PTZ
Mobile Me 225 PTZ
4GB Shuffle - Black 200 PTZ
4GB Shuffle - Blue 200 PTZ
4GB Shuffle - Green 200 PTZ
4GB Shuffle - Pink 200 PTZ
4GB Shuffle - Silver 200 PTZ
Flip Video Ultra HD 200 PTZ
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle - PS3 200 PTZ
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle - Wii 200 PTZ
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle - X360 200 PTZ
PSP - Ratchet & Clank Bundle 200 PTZ
PSP - Rock Band Bundle 200 PTZ
iPod Dock + Karaoke System 200 PTZ
Full Metal Jacket - Black 175 PTZ
SkullCrush - Abel Money 175 PTZ
SkullCrush - Snoop Dogg Blue 175 PTZ
Hi-Lo Combination Converter/Transformer Kit 150 PTZ
Razer eXactMat- Duo Precision Gaming Surface 150 PTZ
Second Generation iPod 1 GB Shuffle - Green 150 PTZ
Second Generation iPod 1 GB Shuffle - Silver 150 PTZ
Lowrider - Black/Black 125 PTZ
Lowrider - Brown Stripe 125 PTZ
Lowrider - Glen Plaid 125 PTZ
Lowrider - Pink Print 125 PTZ
Lowrider - White Print 125 PTZ
Micro Crush Amplifier 125 PTZ
Titan - Black 125 PTZ
Titan - Chrome 125 PTZ
"Star Wars Clone Wars Republic Heroes PS3 " 100 PTZ
"Star Wars Clone Wars Republic Heroes PS3 " 100 PTZ
Batman Arkham Asylum - PS3 100 PTZ
Batman Arkham Asylum - X360 100 PTZ
Call of Duty: World at War - X360 100 PTZ
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - PC 100 PTZ
Demon's Souls Standard Edition PS3 100 PTZ
Dirt 2 - PS3 100 PTZ
Dirt 2 - PSP 100 PTZ
EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 4 - X360 100 PTZ
Final Fantasy: Dissidia - PSP 100 PTZ
Game Party 3 - Wii 100 PTZ
God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP 100 PTZ
Gran Turismo - PSP 100 PTZ
Grand Theft Auto IV - PC 100 PTZ
Grand Theft Auto IV - PS3 100 PTZ
Grand Theft Auto IV - X360 100 PTZ
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories - PSP 100 PTZ
Guitar Hero Aerosmith - PS3 Game 100 PTZ
Halo 3 ODST 100 PTZ
Hearts of Iron III - PC 100 PTZ
Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 - Wii 100 PTZ
Kill Zone 2 - PS3 100 PTZ
KillZone: Liberation - PSP 100 PTZ
Madden NFL 2010 - PS3 100 PTZ
Madden NFL 2010 - Wii 100 PTZ
Madden NFL 2010 - X360 100 PTZ
Madden NFL 2010 PSP 100 PTZ
Mario & Sonic @ Olympic Games - DS 100 PTZ
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 - DS 100 PTZ
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 - PSP 100 PTZ
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 - Wii 100 PTZ
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 - X360 100 PTZ
NBA 2010 PSP 100 PTZ
NBA 2K10 - PS3 100 PTZ
NBA 2K10 - Wii 100 PTZ
NBA 2K10 360 100 PTZ
NBA 2K10 PSP 100 PTZ
NBA Live 2010 360 100 PTZ
NHL 2010 - PS3 100 PTZ
NHL 2010 - X360 100 PTZ
NHL 2K10 - Wii 100 PTZ
Naruto Shippuden: Legends Akatsuki PSP 100 PTZ
Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Destiny - DS 100 PTZ
Need for Speed Shift - PS3 100 PTZ
Need for Speed Shift - PSP 100 PTZ
Need for Speed Shift - X360 100 PTZ
New Super Mario Bros. - DS 100 PTZ
Pokémon Platinum - DS 100 PTZ
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box - DS 100 PTZ
Prototype - X360 100 PTZ
Saw - X360 100 PTZ
Saw 3 - PS3 100 PTZ
Shaun White Snowboarding - X360 100 PTZ
Sports Resort with motion plus - Wii 100 PTZ
Star Wars Clone Wars Republic Heroes 360 100 PTZ
Star Wars Clone Wars Republic Heroes DS 100 PTZ
Star Wars Clone Wars Republic Heroes PSP 100 PTZ
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - PS3 100 PTZ
UFC 2009 Undisputed - PS3 100 PTZ
UFC 2009 Undisputed - X360 100 PTZ
World of Warcraft - PC 100 PTZ
USB Drives 2G 40 PTZ
iPhone Skins 35 PTZ

Current Lockerz Prize List Continued...

Cool Brands:
Fly 150 7500 PTZ
Burton Snowboards 850 PTZ
Picnic Hobo by Marc Jacobs (Electric Blue) 500 PTZ
Black Epiphany Paintball Gun 450 PTZ
Ripstiks 375 PTZ
High Tech Hair Dryer 350 PTZ
Orignal Wayfarer Sunglasses by Ray Ban 335 PTZ
SP-1 Paintball Gun 325 PTZ
Farouk Chi Ceramic Flat Iron 1" 300 PTZ
Exclusive Ruffian Scarf 300 PTZ
G-Shock Watches 200 PTZ
Makeup by Bare Minerals and Tutorial 85 PTZ
Gold Cuff by Tracey Matthews 85 PTZ
Cuddle with Color Kit by Essie 75 PTZ
Glossing Complete by Frederic Fekkai 75 PTZ
Gold Crystal Chanel Bangle 75 PTZ
Palladium Thick Stack Bangle 75 PTZ
Protein Rx Complete 75 PTZ
Rose Gold Thick Stack Bangle 75 PTZ
Senoritas Nail Collection by Opi 75 PTZ
Silver Four Leaf Clover Bangle 75 PTZ
Silver Love Bangle 75 PTZ
Dylan's Candy 50 PTZ
Baggu Bag's 50 PTZ

Current Lockerz Prize List Conutinured...

Gym Class Heroes – Lockerz Private Concert! 5000 PTZ
SADD $3 Donation 10 PTZ
A Child Unheard $1 Donation 5 PTZ
Autism Speaks $1 Donation 5 PTZ
DoSomething $1 Donation 5 PTZ
Drinking Water for India $1 Donation 5 PTZ
Humane Society $1 Donation 5 PTZ
SADD $1 Donation 5 PTZ
Cool Suprise Gift 500 PTZ
Write a Daily Question 500 PTZ
Gym Class Heroes Tickets! 75 PTZ
A Child Unheard $35 Donation 50 PTZ
Autism Speaks $35 Donation 50 PTZ
DoSomething $35 Donation 50 PTZ
Drinking Water for India $35 Donation 50 PTZ
Humane Society $35 Donation 50 PTZ
SADD $35 Donation 50 PTZ
A Child Unheard $10 Donation 25 PTZ
Autism Speaks $10 Donation 25 PTZ
DoSomething $10 Donation 25 PTZ
Drinking Water for India $10 Donation 25 PTZ
Humane Society $10 Donation 25 PTZ
SADD $10 Donation 25 PTZ
A Child Unheard $3 Donation 10 PTZ
Autism Speaks $3 Donation 10 PTZ
DoSomething $3 Donation 10 PTZ
Drinking Water for India $3 Donation 10 PTZ
Humane Society $3 Donation 10 PTZ Bagi-bagi hadiah gratis

Apa itu LOCKERZ?

Lockerz adalah komunitas di seluruh dunia dimana anggota dapat mencari hiburan, belanja, dan jaringan sosial penuh di satu situs.

Anggota dihadiahi karena hampir semua yang mereka lakukan pada situs kami! Entah itu berbelanja, menonton video, bermain game, menjawab pertanyaan harian atau bahkan hanya login untuk memperoleh PTZ (Points), yang merupakan mata uang di Lockerz.

Ketika Anda mengumpulkan PTZ Anda akan dapat menebus mereka di PTZ Place, pusat perbelanjaan online mereka. Tempat yang PTZ memiliki ribuan hadiah mulai dari barang elektronik, desainer pakaian, peralatan olah raga, dan lebih banyak lagi!

Cara ndapetin PTZ gmn ya?
setau ane,,saat ini baru ada 4 cara
1. invite temen
2. jawab pertanyaan tiap hari ,simpel2 jwb nya jd ga ush ragu, kl mau jwab klik "dailies" di kanan bawah deket poin PTZ
3. login tiap hari, setelah login, klik yg di pojok kiri bawah, ntar PTZ akan nambah
4. liat video sampe kelar,kl uda kelar,,masukin kode,,ntar ptz cair
poin 2 itu hanya berlaku 1 hari
jd kl mau jwb pertanyaan hr kemaren ya ga bs
mungkin suatu saat, ada cara lg bwt ndapetin PTZ

kl msh baru, tiap nglakuin 3 point di atas, masing2 dpt 2PTZ (OMG kpn dpt hadiahnya?)
kl pgn cepet dpt PTZ nya
bro / sis harus invite 20 temen supaya joint lockerz
setelah 20 temen joint lockerz, bro / sis akan masuk z-list
kl dah jd z-list tiap nglakuin 3 point yg td, masing2 dpt 4PTZ alias 2 kali lipat

ga cm itu aja, kl uda jd z-list akan dpt kaos dr lockerz (pict dibawah)

ane kasi ilustrasi ya
misalnya bro pgn ipod shuflfe

saat ini PTZ yg dbutuhkan 200PTZ

kemungkinan kita cm login n jawab pertanyaan tiap hari
jd per hari cm bs ngumpulin 4, ya gampang aja bro
4 X 60 hari = 240 PTZ
dlm waktu ga ada 2 bln dah dpt ipod shuffle padal kerjaan cm klik2 doang
beda lg kl ud jd z-list
8 X 25 hari = 200 PTZ

lbh cpt lg kan??makanya buruan invite temen2nya biar bs ndongkrak PTZ

Klo Mau liat barang apa aja yang di dapetin bisa liat disini.

dan ini adalah foto orang yang sudah menjadi bukti:

gmn bro??
kl msh blm percaya jg,,liat di youtube noh byk yg ud mencoba peruntungan di lockerz
ketik aja "lozkerz prize"
lagian,,gratisan ini,,ga ada salahnya kan dicoba

bro / sis mau daftar???
eitss ga segampang itu bro
masalahnya kalo mau daftar harus di invite ama temen via e-mail, jadi klo teman-teman mau daftar bisa kirim email di: atau kirim pesan lewat FB: Jadi teman-teman akan dapat sebuah email dari lockerz di INBOX atau di kotak SPAM.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Slimming tips without sports

If you did not get to the gym, do you know, there are many routine activities that can be used as a form of sport activities.

Any activity that can simultaneously burn calories 200-300 calories a day. Automatic, weight loss can also be shrunk. What are the activities?

1. Sweep floors

When brushing, keep your posture or body posture remains erect. Do not wipe with his bow, and select a long broom in accordance with the height. Repeat with the second hand sweeping.

Way, 5 times a sweep with his right hand, then 5 times with his left hand. When you do turn on, then the load on the left and right muscles into the same arm, and upper arm muscles will be trained. Sweep does not require much energy because its intensity is not too high.

2. Polishing glass

Better if you have the equipment to clean the glass building. However, a rag was not a problem. Movements that can be varied. First, rub a tool that has been cleaning fluid with circular movements. Do it with your right hand and left hand alternately.

In addition to leveling the cleaning fluid, it will tighten the arm muscles. Second, the glass cleaned with a device that had been given water.

Move the tool up and down and to the left and right. Each direction 5 times. Hand always turns so there is always a balance between hand motion right and left hand. If the glass in the house and large lot, of course, the intensity of hand movements would be increased.

3. Cleaning the furniture at the top

Furniture at the top of course difficult to reach without using the tools. For the lower section, you can tiptoe to tighten the calf muscles. We stood on tiptoes, the calf muscles will get loads large enough exercise. The higher up on tiptoes, the calf muscles more interested.

Alternatively, if the place is very high, use the help of a chair. Movement up and down the chair is at the heavy sports like climbing stairs or climbing. Hand movements more or less the same as glass polishing activities.

4. Bathroom cleaning

Activities scrub the bathroom walls need a lot of energy. Hand can be moved up and down or left and right. In addition to the hands, muscular legs, waist muscles and back muscles also get loads of exercise. You can not be in an upright position constantly, occasionally had to tiptoe, bending, and even squatted. Take a different body positions in turn so that all muscles have the same burden.

In addition to brushing the wall, you can also scrub the tub water. In this activity, the body more bent and brushed her hand movements must continue turns. Waist muscles, back muscles, and thigh muscles also have a fairly heavy burden. Because, when you bend, all the muscles were drawn up.

5. Ironing

Hand movements are quite intensive ironing will also be beneficial for toning the arms. The balance between left and right hand should be kept in mind. Also, if you are ironing a standing position, weight training for leg muscles hard enough. To prevent back pain, should one of your feet resting on a small stool, alternating between right and left leg.